Self / 01.03.2015

10 reasons you should declutter today

By Sally Brown
Having a good clear out will leave you feeling liberated and ready to tackle anything


Hoarders take note: too much clutter can leave us stressed, unhappy and without a social life. By setting aside a couple of days to tackle your clutter step by step you’ll be feeling much happier and comfortable in your own home instantly. Not convinced? Here’s all the ways a proper clear-out could help improve your life.

1 It could make you lose weight

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is one of the most common direct results of decluttering your house. When we declutter, we feel more in control of our lives which reduces our stress levels and makes us feel more able to take the time out to eat healthily and exercise more.

2 Your social life will improve

So many of us suffer from what has been coined ‘Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome’ (CHAOS) as we’re embarrassed of our hoarding. If your dining table has become a dumping ground for paperwork and odd socks, it’s time to clear it all out and start inviting your friends round for dinner again.

3 You’ll have more money in the bank

One of the hardest things to do is to get rid of perfectly good unworn or unused things. But if you’re not going to wear or use them it really is time to say goodbye. Pop these perfectly good items on eBay and make some extra cash for treating yourself as a reward for all your hard work decluttering – just don’t use the money you make to buy more stuff you’re never going to use.

4 Your stress levels will reduce

Being surrounded by mess and clutter often increases stress levels as you are likely to feel out of control and anxious by the disarray. If you get organised and have a good clear out you will feel calmer and happier

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in your home.

5 The debt collectors will stay off your case

It may sound silly but it’s true. So many of us are living in such squalor that we misplace bills and warning letters and completely forget to pay them. The threat of having our electricity cut off or even being taken to court due to our hoarding and sloppiness is enough to send our stress levels through the roof.

6 You’ll stop thinking you’re a naturally messy person

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We are constantly being badgered to buy new things; whether those things are new shoes, beauty products or artisan chutneys, the pressure to buy is constantly there. Yet no one ever tells us how to get rid of things and so we find ourselves surrounded by too much stuff. Have a good declutter and you’ll realise that you’re not naturally messy, you’ve just been shopping slightly too often.

7 It’s liberating

If you’ve got the same pair of jeans at home in a size 8, 10, 12 and 14 you’re certainly not alone. So many women cling on to their favourite clothes in the size they were pre-child birth even though they are unlikely to ever fit in them again. The ability to let go of these items shows signs of self-acceptance which are great for our mental well-being

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as well as our packed-full wardrobes.

8 It will be the first of many changes

Decluttering your house will give you the energy –and space- necessary to make some important changes elsewhere in your life too. You may choose to take up yoga as you now have enough floor space to roll out a mat in front of the TV, or you may be able to invite your parents over to stay now that the guest room isn’t a dumping ground.

9 You’ll find things you never knew you had

When you’re a serial hoarder it’s impossible to keep track of every pair of shoes and every shade of lipstick you own. If you have a good clear-out you’ll no doubt be laughing at all of the long forgotten purchases you find and the three unopened bottles of tinted moisturiser behind your bed that you’d just sent your boyfriend to Boots to stock up on.

10 You’ll enjoy being at home more

No one likes going home to a messy house where they can’t even get into bed without chucking a load of clothes off of it and onto the floor first. When our houses are full of clutter we are more likely to spend our evenings dining out rather than staying in and saving money.

10 reasons you should declutter today
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10 reasons you should declutter today
Want to feel liberated and ready for anything? Declutter your life – it’s time to finally throw out all those empty perfume bottles sitting on your dresser
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