What it does… turmeric
What is it?
A spice related to ginger, whose main active ingredient is curcumin, which is behind turmeric’s rich yellowy-orange pigment. It’s a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
What does it do?
Eases arthritis: Several studies have shown turmeric eases swelling, pain and stiffness through its anti-inflammatory effects.
Reduces risk of dementia: More than 50 studies demonstrate that turmeric helps dissolve the dementia-causing plaques that build up in the brain.
Reduces cancer risk: Lab studies have shown turmeric has anticancer effects. In one small study of 25 patients with pre-cancerous changes in different organs, turmeric seemed to stop those changes developing into cancer. It has the best effects on breast, bowel, stomach and skin cancers.
When do I need it?
At any stage your life.
How do I get it?
Eat: fresh or dried, it can be added to any curry or other Asian dish. It’s available in root or powder form.
Take: Supplements in capsule or tablet form are sometimes combined with ginger for additional antioxidant and circulation-boosting benefits. It’s also available as a tea, again often combined with ginger.
Be careful if…
Most people are absolutely fine to consume turmeric.