
7 podcasts to help you manage stress


Listen up – it’s time to embrace the benefits of audio therapy this Stress Awareness Month, which runs every year in April. In the latest issue of healthy, we’ve explored the shift away from a visual pursuit of wellness (think adult colouring books and Instagram shots of avocados) towards healing via sounds, in the form of sound baths and classical music. Podcasts are an accessible, modern way to bring audio therapy into your everyday life.

Adam Martin, Director of Content at Acast app, a curated platform for podcasts, has rounded up 7 of the best:

1 Headspace
This podcast is the ultimate way of resting your mind and injecting a dose of calm and serenity into your busy day-to-day life. Hosted by the team behind the award-winning app, this podcast will help you unwind, stay calm and start the day with a smile on your face. Dealing with real-life issues like stress, overworking and even healthy eating, this podcast will provide you with the calm refuge you’ve been looking for. Find it here

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2 Tranquillity du Jour

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Hosted by therapist and creative entrepreneur Kimberly Wilson, this podcast will help you on the way to living a full, calm and meaningful life. With topics varying from yoga, to mindfulness, to travel, and entrepreneurship, this podcast will help you manoeuvre your way through everyday stresses and remain calm and happy.

READ MORE: 7 ways to keep your ears healthy

3 The Daily Meditation Podcast
In just under twenty minutes, this podcast will help you regain balance and go about your day in a calm and happy manner. With daily meditations, seven days a week, you are guaranteed to learn new techniques, which will help you in a plethora of ways, from managing stress during your work day, to dealing with feelings of anger, through to managing anxiety and increasing confidence. A handy podcast to have at the ready, no matter what your day throws at you. Find it here.

4 Invisibilia
Meaning “all invisible things” in Latin, Invisiblia focuses on all the invisible elements that govern human behaviour. Through scientific research and engaging storytelling, this podcast addresses all of the unseen forces, like ideas, beliefs and emotions, helping you learn more about yourself, how you live your life and how to better understand those around you. With great episodes like ‘Fearless’, discussing the human need for fear, you will learn to navigate your life in a calm and stress-free manner.

5 ASMR Podcast
All about sound, ASMR is a calming and at times bewildering exploration of 3D sound. You can listen to anything, from the hosts softly speaking about the places they would like to visit in Australia, to a plastic bowl rotating continuously for 32 minutes and, crazy as it sounds, it’s an unmissable and relaxing experience. Sit back and enjoy your body unwinding to the soothing sounds of this podcast.

READ MORE: 5 mindfulness techniques you would never have guessed

6 The Digital Mindfulness Podcast
At a time when our daily lives are saturated with emails, smartphones and instant communication, this podcast

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is the key to protecting yourself from becoming digitally overwhelmed. Using a combination of natural and social sciences, the hosts aim to improve your interaction with technology, helping you manage all elements of the digital world, from emailing to dividing your work and personal lives in an effective manner.

7 Motivation Monday
As we all know, Monday can often be the most challenging day of the week, but this weekly podcast aims to change that perception and charge you up with positivity and calmness to breeze through the rest of the week. With episodes on everything from new beginnings, to overcoming difficult situations, this podcast will be the weekly motivation you’ve been looking for.

Head to to learn more.

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What’s your favourite podcast? Tweet us @healthymag – we love to hear from you!

Article Name
7 podcasts to help you manage stress
Podcasts are an accessible, modern way to bring audio therapy into your everyday life. Adam Martin from Acast app has rounded up 7 of the best.
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Healthy magazine
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Francesca Specter: