10 things I’ve learned living with CFS
Name a cookbook, travel book, 10-steps-to-being-totally-glorious-book – the likelihood is I’ve bought or read it and it’s now stashed in my loft. But that which has taught me the most, I haven’t read and definitely wasn’t recommended. Six months ago life as an average 25-year-old came to a rude halt, as I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So this is my (possibly not quite as loft-enlightening) truth. Ten things I’ve learned, living with CFS.
1. CFS; its not ‘just feeling tired’
Oh, hell no. Affecting 250,000 adults (both men and women, though generally more the latter) in the UK, usually between the ages of 20 and 40, this neurological condition wrecks havoc on the nervous system and cognitive ability.
2. The real independent women
Independence. We celebrate it and aspire to it. But it’s taken nearly knocking myself out with a hairdryer (heavier than you think), to realise that asking for help when you need it is one of the strongest acts of all.
3. Yoga isn’t only for the very bendy
Imagine an elite athlete. I am the opposite. But I gave restorative yoga a try when pain relief failed, and boy, do I love it.
4. Positivity holds health benefits galore
How the mind interprets our surroundings is responsible for the release of ‘happy’ chemicals, such as oxytocin and endorphins. Give your adrenals a break and spend time with those that make you feel good. Better health = less frown lines.
5. Diet really matters
I love a crème caramel as much as the next lady, but sugar in abundance is a no-go – particularly for a bod already fighting inflammation. Good nutrition is the first step to tipping the balance back to health.
6. Stop procrastinating
Spend energy on the things you actually want to get done. Waking, scrolling Instagram and liking 24 photos of kale? Energy depleted before you’ve even started.
7. The greatness of outdoors
Feeling really ropey? If you can, get out of those PJs, because, let me tell you, a dressing gown plus Jeremy Kyle does not lead to the path of feeling superb. Wrap up and sit in the fresh air; vitamin D is key in facilitating healthy immune system function.
8. Everyone is going through something
Despite appearances, those around you may not always feel so perky. From your best pal to your boss, don’t always expect to be met with a dazzling mood. Think before you judge.
9. Real rest
Get cosy in bed before you’re half asleep on the sofa. If you’re feeling wild, aid aching limbs and joint pain with a magnesium salt bath too. Change up your sleep routine and reap the rewards.
10. Respect your body
Oh, the years I spent in angst that I didn’t have the physique of Alessandra Ambrosio! Yet all the while forgetting that my body was working hard to keep me going all day, every day. Time to big yourself up and celebrate. At least that’s what the loft literature says…
For more information on CFS/ME, visit actionforme.org.uk or on Twitter @actionforme. Or, if you’re under 26, see ayme.org.uk or on Twitter @AYME_UK.