Keep your heart healthy
Did you know that eating oats can help keep your heart at its best? Over 100 scientific studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of beta-glucan in oats – however, you’d have to consume a huge quantity of regular oats to get enough to start to reducing your cholesterol. Luckily, OatWell has found a way of concentrating this healthiest of ingredients, so you get all the cholesterol-lowering benefits of beta-glucan from oats in just one convenient daily serving.
OatWell is available in three ways:
OatWell Original Powder: highly versatile, it can be added to other foods, such as breakfast cereal, juice or yoghurt juices, or used as an ingredient for baking.
OatWell Instant Drink: a ‘milkshake’ style drink in strawberry, vanilla or chocolate flavours.
OatWell Crispy Hearts: which can be eaten as a breakfast cereal or as a snack.
Whichever of the three you choose, each serving of OatWell has been scientifically formulated to give the required 3g of oat beta-glucan per day that is necessary to help lower cholesterol. Made with 100 per cent natural oat bran, the high concentrations of oat beta-glucan stimulates the body’s production of bile acids, which have the effect of ‘using up’ the bad cholesterol that is circulated through the body.
Whole body benefits
OatWell provides the heart-healthy benefits of oats without having to eat bowl after bowl of cereal. As well as the cholesterol-reducing benefits, there’s also evidence of its benefits in normalising blood glucose levels and improving overall gut health.
Oat beta-glucan in OatWell is a soluble fibre, which is responsible for increasing the viscosity of the gut and the transit time of the stool through the bowel, thus promoting healthy gut function. In addition, it slows down the rise in blood sugar levels after a meal – the uptake of carbohydrates into the blood stream takes longer, and sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels are prevented.
As if all this weren’t convincing enough to convince you to give it a try, further endorsement for OatWell is provided by HEART UK – the leading cholesterol awareness charity.
OatWell is available in selected Holland & Barrett stores and online at