Fitness / 09.12.2014

Healthy does HIIT: indoor workout

By Laura Potter
Keep out of the cold and get your heart racing with these HIIT indoor workouts


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This quick workout is ideal if you don’t have a lot of time or space. Follow the Tabata protocol – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. A full circuit should take 4 minutes – so 8 rounds in total. Repeat if you have more time or want to increase the intensity.


Doing some dynamic stretching for 3-4 minutes will raise your heart rate and increase mobility and flexibility in the joints. Try raising your knees, twisting your upper body from side to side, plus some squats and static lunges.

Indoor HIIT session

This quick workout is ideal if you don’t have a lot of time or space. Follow the Tabata protocol – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. A full circuit should take 4 minutes – so 8 rounds in total. Repeat if you have more time or want to increase the intensity.

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Exercise 1:

Shadow boxing.

Exercise 2:

Jumping jacks.

Exercise 3:

Scissor kicks. Lie on the floor, keeping your back flat and tummy pulled in throughout.

Exercise 4:

Large walk-out. Take big strides up and down your hallway.

Exercise 5:

Press-ups. Start on your knees until you get fitter.

Exercise 6:


Exercise 7:

High knees.

Exercise 8:

Bear crawls. Crawling along the floor, without using your knees. Go forwards for 10 seconds, then crawl in reverse for 10 seconds.


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Start with a slow walk for 1 minute while stretching out your upper back, triceps, and chest. Then do some standing stretches for your hamstrings, quads and hip flexors for 2-3 minutes. Completing this cool-down properly will aid your muscles in their recovery from the HIIT work-out.

Healthy does HIIT: indoor workout
Article Name
Healthy does HIIT: indoor workout
Try this fuss-free, no-equipment-necessary HIIT workout devised by our experts. Follow the warm-up and cool-down exercises to avoid injury.
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Healthy Magazine
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